
Authentication type
Login   Password

Working with merchant's profile

  • Displaying information about merchant's profile
  • Managing merchant's profile on one's own

Information viewing and reporting

  • List of settlement accounts with ability of viewing current balance in other systems (inquiring account's balance, wired up to telebank-user)
  • Viewing account's properties (No, type, description)
  • Editing account's description
  • List of associated service outlets
  • Operation list in service outlet for specified period with filtering option
  • Bank statement for settlement account for specified period
  • Working with portal's reports:
    • Creating template by standart facilities in TWO/TWCMS
    • Choosing report's template by user, input required parameters, launching report for execution

Managing portal's users

  • Online creation a new user for specified merchant on one's own
  • Editing requisites for user
  • Access only for specified service outlets